40 things I would like to teach my daughter.

1. You are beautiful. Inside and out. Beauty is a state of mind, not a state of body. You can be the most beautiful person on the outside, but if the inside doesn’t match, it’s all a waste.

2. Food is your friend. Do not let society make you thing it is wrong to eat what you want, or not eat. If you are healthy, that is all I care about and all you should care about. Your weight on a scale is just a number, not your life.

3.Learn how to cook, clean appropriately, and do it because you love to. Not because you were told it is what you were meant to do.

4.Words can build bridges between people.. They can also burn them. So use your words carefully.

5. Always fight fair, but never be afraid to fight. And never hit below the belt, see number four.

6. A strong man is NEVER threatened by a strong woman. Be a strong woman. With independent thoughts and dreams.

7. Prince charming isn’t a fairytale, he is a myth. Every man has his flaws, even he good ones.

8. No matter how many mistakes you make, I am your mother, I will always accept you and love you unconditionally.

9. I hope that I can teach you that God is also unconditional. No matter how many mistakes you make, he will always be there willing to listen; even to your smallest prayers.

10. Don’t be afraid of a broken heart. A broken heart is what will be your road map to true happiness.

11. NEVER, I repeat, NEVER let someone walk all over you. Once they have, they will never stop. Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself and never be afraid of confrontation. Confrontation is the forefront of compromise. And never be afraid to compromise.

12.Friends will come and go from your life, some you will learn to accept easily. And some will be harder than you ever expected. But I hope you learn that true friends, no matter how far away, no matter how long it has been since you have talked; they will always find their way back to you. Always.

13. I love you should never be an easy phrase to say. It is complicated, messy, and can be devastating. Use these words kindly, never lie, and never take them for granted.

14.I want to hear from you. I want to know how you feel, I want to hear if you disagree with me or my decisions. And not just because you want to, but because you have a voice. A voice that I want to be heard by nations, by worlds. And by disagreeing with me, your mother, it will help strengthen that voice and make you confident.

15. There will always be mean girls, no matter where you go. Do not ever let them get the better of you. The only way to guarantee that you do not care if someone is talking about you; is to never talk about someone else. They will always talk, always. But this time, it won’t bother you.

16.Never let someone tell you that your dreams don’t matter, or that they are insignificant. Every genius, every CEO, every doctor, started out as a dreamer.. Albert Einstein was just a lowly tax consultant. Until someone believed in him. Guess what? I believe in you!

17. Hot baths are the best kind of therapy.

18. Take care of your teeth, if you don’t- you,ll regret it later in life. I promise.

19. Never under estimate the power of a kiss, or a hug. And don’t just throw them around like toys either.

20. You are special, one of a kind. Do not conform to what your friends think is acceptable. Do what makes Charlene, Charlene.

21. Never forget to smile. Your smile has brightened my day everyday since you were small.. You never know who’s day you make just by smiling at them.

22. I hope you learn that school, although irritating and glum, it is essential. Do your best in school, and as long as you show me you are trying your hardest, I might be upset over a bad grade.. But guess what? You tired your hardest, and that is all I ask for.

23. You will be my best friend, and my buddy. But never forget, I am your mother first. and althought we WILL fight, I hope you know that you can always come to me. Call me where ever you may be.. A party you weren’t suppose to be at, a friends house in the middle of no where- I may be mad, but I hope you know your mother is the first person you can always call. You can always depend on me.

24. I am going to make mistakes, and I hope you forgive me every time. Sometimes you’re going to make mistakes, but I know and hope you learn, I will always forgive you I will always accept you.

25.Never let a boy take advantage of you. If doesn’t feel right, it isn’t. And never lead a boy on.A broken heart is not a nice thing to have.

26. You can be anything you want to be. I will support any rational decision you make.

27. Choose your friends wisely. Like it or not, you are labeled. And you don’t want to be perceived as something you are not.

28. Drive cautiously.

29. Talk to people in person. You will never learn more about someone more than you will if you were in front of their face.

30. Respect your elders. Even if they don’t deserve it. They deserve it.

31. Be nice to strangers. Be nice to people who are ugly to you. You never know what other people are going through. You never know their family circumstances, or family secret problems. So always be nice.

32.Don’t ever be ashamed to cry. Crying is not a sign of weakness, but strength. It takes strength to show people your true feelings.

33.Please never care more about the way you look more than you care about what is in your head. Your beauty will fad, but wisdom is forever. Brains is beauty.

34. But do remember, that sometimes, it is better to look presentable- than messy.

35. There are thousands of people out there without a house, food or decent clothing. Please learn to appreciate your finer things in life. because out there, someone is dying to have just an ounce of what you have.

36. Life is beautiful, even the messy parts.

37. You are the sunshine in my cloudy days. Always.

38.Music is more powerful than a most words that are spoken. I hope you find passion in music, and find it is more than it seems.

39. Your virginity is not something to be taken lightly. It is an important part of yourself that should not be thrown around. It is a special thing that should be shared between two with a special bond. Someone out there is WAITING patiently. WAITING.

40.Live your life to the fullest. It is okay to be scared. It is okay to fall. As long as you pick yourself back up and learn from your mistakes. You will always succeed. Just put one foot in front of the other, and if you stumble, I will be right there reminding you to stand yourself back up; and try again.

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